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Friday, April 10, 2009

It seems to have been a whole week ...

.... since I last posted! Oh well, here's a quick catch up -

Have had two days (at least) of just not feeling 'right' By that I mean that my blood sugar was on the verge of being too low all day and it even felt as if knitting would give me a hypo!

But, have finished three things this week - Spice Caravan Robe, White Pompom Scarf and Sunset bag. I have started my version of Bounced Check (as Frances pointed out, very apt for me!).

Haven't been able to post photos yet as my SD carf mysteriously disappeared and I couldn't get to grips with Amber's camera. Found card in the card reader by the wall under the desk but of course no-one knows how it got there. Obviously Mr Invisible has moved in again! I hope to have some photos for you all later!

Amber, bless her (!@!?!@!), has been driving me mad all week wanting to get a lizard or two. She has researched them, it seems, and managed to prove to me that her proposed lizard living arrangmenets would suffice. This means that David is taking her to Horley later today to buy a Skink. I have tried to make her promise that's it for pets for a while. We currently have -

Susie cat
five hamsters
two Axylotl
loads of fish
six incubating hens' eggs
AND eleven incubating quails' eggs

All she seems to think about is what she can get next and where from!


suse-the-slow-knitta said...

she's like many knitters- has lots of wips but they are pets, not fibre friends!

dodo said...

she now has an Emperor Scorpion. An Emperor Scorpion! What kind of preteen aged child, a girl! Buys an Emperor Scorpion...Amber! That's who!

Ryan x