Dodoknitz!! - Beautiful yarns, hand dyed with love..

Please visit to see my range of hand dyed yarns, dyed to order.

I also offer a Bespoke Dyeing Service, details available.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

FO's 2007

List of FO's below!

Ryan has a girlfriend!

Ryan (14) has himslef a girlfriend! She is one of his sister's best friends and came round for a sleepover last night - I think they spent most of their time kissing and gazing into each other's eyes!

They've been talking quite a lot on MSN since Amber's birthday in June, when they first met, but they haven't seen anything of each other except very briefly.

Now he's all loved up but HE'S STILL MY BABY!

Oh dear, I don't want him to grow up!

Getting Excited!

I think I know why I can't get any motivation at the moment - I am getting excited about my trip to the Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace a week on thursday! I spoke to Auntie Ann last night (she's sort of 'taking' me!) and we worked out which train, if we go by train, we are going to catch - she asked talked about driving up. Jean is not coming now although she has bought her ticket, but AA is going to see if one of her friends wants to come instead.

I've told AA that she can be my pack horse!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Proposed Knitting projects!!

Scroll down to see the list of projects I currently have 'to do'. Not included on this list is the bag my neighbour has asked me to make her for her planned trip to New Zealand next February!

I seem to be getting swamped by WIPs at the moment - had to abandon Garden Gate Scarf as the yarn I wanted for the actual 'gate' was out of stock (Kangaroo), this needs to be done by 3rd November for the Knit'n'Knatter display in East Grinstead Library window; have still got loads to do on my Joji jacket (bored to tears); and I am nearly halfway through my Side to Side shawl which I am now thinking I have made too big. I want to leave this for something a little more interesting but keep ploughing on!

I have started a Knitted Knitting Bag KAL on Angel Yarns (probably will make The Daily Knitter Knitting Needle Bag) and have just ordered the Chris Bylsma Bravo bag pattern which I think will take something of a backseat for a while.

I think I am going to have to start knitting with my feet!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Well, apparently Amber has been sick twice during the night and so she can't go to school today, and probably won't until monday. Trouble is. she didn't wake me so I only have her word for it.

Ryan has gone off to school quite happily today as he has a Leisure and Tourism trip to Legoland, he is suppoed to attend college on thursdays for his YA course in motor vehicle maintenance so I am not terribly happy that the school managed to arrange a trip today, particularly as he only started the course last week!

Clare (my sister) and Megan (neice) turned up yesterday afternoon after dropping dad at Gatwick (he's gone to Belgium to my cousin for a week as she and her husband are both 50 at the same time). As most of the Angel Yarns lot know, there is no love lost between my sister and me, so my heart sank! Megan (3) wanted to walk up and meet the kids off the bus and I made Clare come with us (not safe leaving her here as she 'pokes' about). When we got back, they came in and she wanted to know if I spend all day knitting, and why I make so many bags - they are hanging on the sitting room door for all to see - to which I told her I like making them and I do use them! She doesn't approve of knitting y'see!

Well we can't all be the same, can we!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


To see exactly what I've been up to with my on this link!


I am having real problems with my daughter at the moment - one of us will definitely not survive her teens!

She says it's too cold to go to school but then she will only wear her poloshirt and not a sweatshirt, and this morning she had a sore toenail and only wanted to stay at home for that too!

Ryan, on the other hand, is not your average teenager - doesn't get too grumpy and is usually quite amenable especially to his old mum. He does flare up occasionally but then I think we all do from time to time.

I really miss my mum at the moment, in fact I've had a jolly good cry this morning. Amber just doesn't seem to understand that there's no-one like your mum!


I'm the Mad Bag lady! In other words I seem to knit a lot of bags! I find I can be as creative as I like - in fact the more flanmboysant the better!