... is a cat in a million! Just lately I have been having some awful night-time hypos (low blood sugar levels) and Susie has 'looked after me'. She gets off the bed and comes in the bathroom with me, then she sits on the dressing table watching while I'm getting Lucozade/chocolate and then she settles down on the pillow next to me.
One night, I got back under the duvet and was aware of a paw touching my face, then I felt her breath and whiskers against my cheek - I'm sure she was checking to see if I was still breathing!
My Diabetes nurse was really surprised as this is unusual for a cat - dogs are well known for knowing when hypos are about to happen!
pets are amazing at knowing when we are ill and need keeping an eye on, well done Susie!
Well done to Susie for looking after you Jo.
I have to tell you that one of my cats knows when I am in more pain than usual and sits on the sore parts! usually my legs. Once when I had a migraine she curled up as near to my head as she could. Cats know.
Cats are brilliant, especially cats who think their owner is brilliant too!
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