Dodoknitz!! - Beautiful yarns, hand dyed with love..
Saturday, December 29, 2007
I have decided ......
I am determined to destash, and also determined to stop buying so many bags! This has become a bit of an obsession since I lost my mum, but now it has begun to take over. Everywhere I go I seem to come back with at least one bag (three yesterday from Crawley!). I need to get on top of things again so I HEREBY VOW TO BE GOOD!!!
Dad is going to buy me a new wardrobe in the next three months and I want to get my bedroom a bit more streamlined too - so some of the toys (Amber's!) that seem to have congregated in the corner are being relegated to the loft or even the charity shop to make room for some sort of storage for my bags. I am going to store the spare bedding currently in the bed drawers in the top of the wardrobe too.
I need to get my sorting out head on!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
My sister was measured and is now a 40DD, a suitable bra was found and the owner of the shop ceremoniously disposed of the old one after lots of comments about what it could be used for!
Then it was my turn - I HATE BRAS! I tend to 'forget' to put one on most of the time, but otherwise a wear a Sloggi crop top affair. I warned the lady that I hated them, as they make my back itch and I suffer with a thrush type irritation in all sorts of funny places. I was measured and was horrfied to find I am a 42D! After several attempts at scaffolding type bras, we eventaully found a lovely one but the cups only started at D and they were too big. After another search I ended up with a lovely bra, which I have on this morning with a bit of loo roll under the fastening.
My sister then changed her mind about the bra she'd got and we unded up with the same design! We have ordered another one each as well.
I was expecting to pay a fortune, as it is an independent shop with all sorts of makes of bra, but mine was £20 and Amber's two came to £18!
Friday, December 21, 2007
My new obsession!
I'll need another bookcase soon!
I think I'll have to add a list of books that have my attention on here!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
FO's 2007
Heartbeat Bag
Noro Cash Iroha Mittens for me!
Allegra mitts
Modified Fiesta bag for Auntie Ann (Crhistmas)
Glittery mittens for Amber (Christmas)
!st miitts for Amber (Christmas)
Scarf for Uncle Mick (Christmas)
Mitts for Miss Barr (Christmas)
Scarf for Angela (Christmas)
Karaoke fingerless mittens (for Amber's teacher)
Drops design bag with flower from Knitonthenet
Fingerless Mitts for Lucia CHRISTMAS
Fingerless Mitts for Emily CHRISTMAS
Fingerless mitts with ruffle (for AY swap)
Fiesta Bag (present)
Fingerless gloves with ruffle
Garden Gate Scarf
Karaoke fingerless gloves (present)
Side to Side shawl
Manos Del Uruguay Bag
Own design bag
Oregon bag (customised)
Diary cover (Amber)
Cocoon Jacket
B4 bag
Pot Pourri Shawl
Colour go round bag (20th BAG THIS YEAR)
Biggy print bag (Amber)
Sheepstrings bag
Felting Fever bag (present)
Spirit bag (present)
Booga bag
Mesh bag
Pocket Patch bag
Electric 80's bag
Felted Vase
Zig-zag bag
Bag for Megan
Graffiti shawl
Tote bag
Phat bag
Multi directional scarf for Ruby
Vintage Bubble bag
Jumper, dungarees & hat for Megan's doll
Megan's birthday cake (not making anymore)
Bagsmith kit
Cloud scarf (made for mum's funeral)
Cardi for Meg
Stashbuster bag 2
Flower Power bag
Side to Side shawl 1
Stashbusting bag 1
Daisy Bag
Wrap (WoW!)
Mu Shu
Poncho (started last year)
Thinking about New Year Resolutions!
Trying to avoid too many trigger finger problems!
2. Not to make any major yarn purchases until Brighton Knitting show (8th Feb), and then be good until Ally Pally in October!
3. Use up some stash!!
4. Get to grips with designing (bags!)
5. To get finances i n order (with some help from my lovely dad)
6. To keep my blog updated!
Wish me luck!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I shall be glad to get this dressing off
My left fign finger is stil,l a bit sore and stiff but seems to be getting easier to move every day so, hopefully, I should be knitting again soon!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
A good Thing?
a. make the bag a bit larger than the pattern
b. leave it alone and just carry on as per the pattern.
c. frog it and worry about what to do with the yarn when I've recovered from the op.
To be honest I don't think I am terribly interested in the bag as I don't seem to have a lot of motivation/
I shall try and get back to my knitting by christmas but the next week or so is out of the question as I will have a huge dressing on my hand and will not be able to hold a needle!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Am having an operation on friday ....
I only went to the hospital this afternoon - that's not bad for the NHS, I was originally offered Christmas Eve but then was asked if I would have friday! The consultant was considering doing the carpal tunnel on the same hand but as it is not too bad decided to wait until it actually needs doing.
At least I'll be painfree (in my left hand at least) before Christmas!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Amber and Lucia
There was a wide range of different 'acts' - ranging from Key Stage 3 (Year 7) to A level (Year 13) and we had monologues, comedy, musical theatre, mask work (mime) and one young lady who performed some of her own songs. The Year 8's, including Amber and her friend Lucia, had done work on King George and the Bold Basher which is based on George and the Dragon - a group of boys did one version and the girls (just the two of them) did another. They were brilliant and very funny - each group had devised their own sketches and performed them well, raising lots of laughs.
Lucia is a tiny little girl and she was the basher - she was so comical! When we got home, it turned out that Amber had come up with a lot of Lucia's lines so I think I may have a budding screenwriter here!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Christmas knitting!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
What a week!
Wend food shopping on tuesday and before we could get home my Amber rang me to find out where I was, then before we could get indoors Ryan rang and I could hear her screaming in the background but couldn't get any sense out of either of them. David took me up to the bus stop to meet them as my blodd sugar was very low and I was shaking about all over the place.
Ryan got in the car but Amber wouldn't and apparently this had all started becasue she hadn't wanted to sit next to the window on the coach. By the time she got home she was hysterical and made another lad in Ryan's year apologise to her for no reason. Eventually she calmed down and I thought the day's dramas were over.
During the evening she came downstairs with her laptop in a state - one of her classmates (Amber acutally stayed at her house last weekend) was being nasty to her online and even threatened her with an arranged fight the next day. I was going to phone her parents but for some reason changed my mind so typed her a message to ask her to stop or there would be trouble. Amber was obviously worried about catching the coach to school so dad took her in.
The next morning, I contacted the school and warned them of this proposed fight (they are keeping an eye on Amber as she has a lot of emotional problems at the moment and thought that was the end of it. Then I saw the girl's mum and mentioned it to her, thinking I should and all hell broke loose - both parents got cross with me for not talking to them before contacting the school but I had Amber's best interests at heart. That evening I spoke to her dad who was, by then quite reasonable, and he was going to go through his hard drive and find these messages and I am sure he said he was going to get back to me - and he hasn't so all I can assume is that he found his daughter to be in the wrong!
Neither of my two are allowed to talk to this girl online and I have told Amber just to be civil to her and not go out of her way to be friendly.
Thrusday came and guess what - I couldn't get Amber to go to schoool so I took her to the doctors who diagnosed stress!
Amber's stressed - what about me!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Performing Arts
Amber thinks she is turning into a geek!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Ongoing saga of Amber's room
TEN glasses
FOUR plates
TWO mugs
ONE drinking bottle thingy
Later on I am going to actually put some washing away in the airing cupboard - I can get to that now too!
Now that we can actually get across the floor, we can start tidying properly and get rid of some junk.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Silly pics!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I am really cross .....
If I hadn#t been on the ball, or had sent OH/dad to collect it for me. I wouldn't have got any insulin at all!
As for the pharmacist - he couldn't see the difference between the word 'cartridge' and the phrase 'pre-filled syringe'!
Got on really well with the mittens I am making for the Head of Lower School on Sunday but yesterday was a really poor day for knitting. I woke up with a low blood sugar, then went to help set up the knitting group's window display in East Grinstead library. Rushed round town with Phil, got home and decided to make a start on Amber's mittens as I want to make them incognito, then had lunch. During lunch Auntie Ann turned up to look through the Garnstudio patterns online (I've definitely created a monster!), then the window cleaner turned up. I did a few more rows of Amber's mitts, then decided to walk up to meet the kids (mistake), watched the end of Countdown and Deal or No Deal, then started on their dinner - low blood sugar again. Finished first mitt for Miss Barr. Cleared washing up, logged on and had ANOTHER low blood sugar! Managed to get ribbing done on second mitt for Miss Barr but by 9.30 I'd had it so went to bed.
Blood sugar must have been low because I had loads of sweet stuff uesterday and this morning my blodd sugar reading was still in the normal range.
Oh, how I hate this disease!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Life in geheral ...
I have made one christmas cake and have another to do.
I am half way through my christmas knits - cast on for mitts last night only to find they were going to fit the local giant.
Have wrapped just under half of the presents.
Found the christmas cards and offered to add to dad to the ones we would duplicate. I'll probably write his too.
Discovered I have add an awful lot of bank charges recently - grrrr!
Amber STILL won't tidy her room.
Now I sem to have got a cold!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
My knitting to do list is getting longer!
I am not enjoying the scarf I am making my friend so it seems to be taking absolutely ages! I want to get the jaority of the gift knitting done before by hospital appointment on 10th, just in case!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Can't get on!
Well, I wanted to start the mittens for Amber's Head of Lower School on monday and hadn't got the right size needle, so ordered one. I decided to start the bag for my friend Angela and decided I din't like the way the Freedom Spirit looked doubled, so frogged it and made a start on the Lydia Scarf from Knitonthenet, after hand writing the pattern out as we have no ink at the moment. Didn't like the way that was looking with the Freedom Spirit (the shade began to look like a school scarf!), so frogged that and am now knitting the Cantterbury Memories scarf from Ravelry, which is designed for the yarn.
Finally I am happy with it!
Now I can't check to see if my needle has been despatched yet - I can't access my emails for some reason!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Been to the doctors
Hopefully, we also managed to get the cartridges sorted out for my insulin too.
AND, my GP is very pleased with my blood results - the new insluin seems to be doing the trick.
He also thinks I might have hit the menopause as I only had light spotting last time. Apparently 47 is quite old to start too! There was a worry that the diabetes/menopause combination would wreak havoc with the diabetic control but it seems to be having the opposite effect, thank goodness!
What a twit!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Don't you hate it .......
I've cast on, and frogged, a pair of mittens for one of Amber's teachers, didn't like the yarn as it was a bit too pale of the needles and I was trying to be clever and magic loop the pattern in Yarn Forward.
I really ought to rest my left - I am currently in constant pain but knitting does take my mind off it a bit. I am going to see my GP tomorrow and hopefully will get referred to Harry the Hand at the Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead, so I need to get on with the christmas bits that I seem to have found myself doing although I don't think I will see him before Christmas let alone get a date for the op. Last year I had about three weeks to wait to see the consultant and only two weeks to wait for the op, so ......
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
I'm not having a brilliant time at the moment ....
Monday morning, she had a 'headache' (again), so I phoned school to report her absent, and the receptionist picked up on that fact that I was a bit disbelieving so i asked to speak to the head of Lower School, who wasn't available. Shortly afterwards the phone rang and it was the head who asked to speak to Amber. The upshot was I had to arrange for a friend to take Amber to school (4 miles away) as the first available bus wasn't for nearly an hour. Amber didn't know if she would come straight home or not so I shot up to the post office to get some money at 9.00 only to find that their system was down and they weren't able to process any transactions. Luckily Amber had been talked into staying at school and the teacher told me she would keep her there, even if Amber complained of feeling ill, for the day and send her home on the school bus.
Amber came home with a mission - to get herself up in the mornings, get ready for school, leave for the bus at 7.50 am and report to the head of Lower School who would then make the decision as to whether she would stay in school should Amber be feeling unwell - this would mean Amber would already be there and more than likely kept there.
Yesterday morning dawmed and, guess what, Amber was in the filthiest mood ever. By the time she went to school I was a nervouse wreck and felt utterly worthless (she talks to me as if I were something on the bottom of her shoe). I spoke to dad who wanted to know what I expected him to do about it and then I ended up sobbing after I put the phone down, as the response I would've got from my mum who would have been supportive. Oh, how I miss her.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
I knew it!
Friday, November 2, 2007
I am really proud of myself!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Last night!
I think there were a few scared kids!
My knitting to do list ......
It does mean, however, that my knitting record will probably exceed last year's total of 58!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Amber's new hair/glasses!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
My blasted daughter!
I have been on at her for so long I can't remember and it just gets worse/ David and I spent a couple of hours up there yesterday afternoon and it doens't look any different! Amber, incidentally, was dyeing her hair at the time. I have even threatened to call in the 'How Clean is Your House' team!
Now, however, I have given her an ultimatum - it gets done before the end of sunday or everything gets shovelled into bin bags and taken to the tip regardless of what it is (laptop excluded of course). The amount of time is not as long as it seems - she's at school all day every day, we have Knit 'n' Natter on saturday and we are going to a special remembrance service on Sunday in Forest Row for all those who have passed away in the last year.
I have told her that all the cuddly toys are to be sorted out and taken to the charity shop and she has to go through everything else.Dad and my sister keep on at me about my untidy house, as a lot of Amber's stuff is downstairs but I can't even think about tidying up until I have somehere to tidy it to!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
My finger!
I had a double op last year for trigger finger release and carpal tunnel on my right hand and only had two weeks' notice of the op as they had space then - otherwise I would've waited nearly six months. Trouble is I haven't got my mum to help me any more and I know I am going to have to rely on Amber for help with bathing and hair washing! I can still picture my mum rushing about trying not to get my hand wet!
Big problem is though - I have sooo much knitting to get on with at the moment -
Mitts for fingerless mitten swap (Angel Yarns)
Own design bag to sell
Mitts for Amber
Mitts for Amber's friend Emily for Christmas
Bag for Knitted Knitting Bag knitalong (Angel Yarns)
Something for another pressie for Christmas (can't say what in case the person in question reads my blog!)
B4 bag for Auntie Ann
Oh dear! When it's all written down in a list it looks worse!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Look wot I got ...
... at the Textiles in Sussex exhibitio in Lewes yesterday. I got some lovely handpainted 4ply yarn from Ann, a person I know through Knit 'n' Natter, a ball of Crystal Palace Kid Merino in Roses to go with the Fjord for some mittens, a cotton bag, some buttons for Auntie Ann's B4 bag, a copy of Interweave Knits Holiday special 2007 and a swift (loving modelled by Ryan)
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Christmas pressie!
Trouble is, she wants the same colour and patterns as my B4 bag but larger! So I have had to hunt about to find some suitable yarn and have come up with Manos del Uruguay in shade 7570 which is greys and black.
I think I am going to run out of time before long!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Amber has another hamster
Needless to say, Smoky has caught on to the fact that he has a possible mate and is desperate to get to her ( they are in separate cages)
I must be mad - Amber thinks she is going to make a fortune breeding them!
jo xx
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Nice quick knit!
You'll all be pleased to hear that I have started another bag at last!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Garden Gate Scarf .....
Friday, October 19, 2007
Monday I had to go to the doctors to try and get my new insulin cartirdges sorted out, but he couldn't help me so I ended up with prefilled syringes again (can't see the dial very easily).
Tuesday, I felt dreadful all day - my blood sugar was really low and I kept feeling sick.
Wednesday and yesterday, my blood sugar was high - naturally.
Today, I am going into Crawley and guess what, it's dropped really low again! I can't do my norming jab until I've eaten or I will start shaking about all over the place so, it's choccy biccies for breakfast!
I am having a flu-jab tomorrow morning and I bet it'll be all over the place again!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Camera problems
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Saving Up!
I told Aunti Ann last week that I wouldn't need any more yarn for ages and then bought some yesterday to make some more mittens (Patons Caress - sooo soft!), and I am also looking at getting some more sock/4ply to do the CTH Kimono of Many Colours.
I am planning a trip to the show held in Brighton in February - trouble is David will be with me but he can be useful for carrying bags!
Ryan took some pictures of yarn swifts to school yesterday to show is Resistant Materials' teacher, he is currently learning about and using wood, and he could probably make one for his big project next year. Oh well I suppose I can hang on until then!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Inspiration ......
Trouble is Amber started to elaborate on the second one and nearly sent my brain into overdrive!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Garden Gate Scarf
I have done four flowers and three stems so far and I need a minimum of 6 so I think I will see how it looks with 3 on each side to start with.
Amber has tidied her room and I had three HUGE loads of washing yesterday, and two armfuls of plastic bottles for the recycling bin!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Look at my lovely haul!!
Black.White/Greyish blue sock yarn to make Amber some mittens
6 balls of Cascade 220 in a purple shade for Chris Bylsma BRAVO bag
Hip Knits Silk Scarf kit to make the scarf in Vogue Knitting 25th issue
Colinette Perugino Throw Kit
Various sock yarns - Jitterbu, Fyberspates, some from Web of Wool, CTH Supersock to make Kimono patttern
3 balls of felting yarn from Knitting4fun to design my own bag
Namaste Vintage Knitting bag (already paid for only had to collect)
Pretty bangle for Amber
and I ordered a Bobble & Bramble bag kit (Fabulous Felted Bags pattern) from Jamiesons of Shetland.
I also still have some goodies to come from Woolly Workshop, as I arranged to collect an order from them and it had been stolen!
Needless to say I had a lovely day
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Latest finished project
Her father announced that he had been to a TV studio as his sister had 'found' him via the Tricia show (Channel 5). Amber was only 10 and this completely turned her world upside down - she discovered she had loads of family she didn't know about. This would have been hard for an adult to deal with let alone a ten year old, and her primary school showed no interest in her or the problem at the time.
Then my OH lost his mum a few weeks later.
This march (07) we lost my mum - I lost my rock, my best friend and my kids lost the only granmother they knew.
I had a very long chat with Amber's teacher at a Year 8 Briefing evening last night and showed her a letter I had stopped Amber from sending to her father as I felt it would show how Amber was feeling inside. I did write a note last week as Amber wasn't coping with some lessons and it seems that this helped her teacher discover who had written an annonymous comment during a Citizenship lesson about being unhappy. I feel better about the situation now that I have got her teacher and the Head of Lower School involved as I feel that maybe we can get some sort of help for Amber.
You may be wondering why Ryan wasn't so affacted - he has never known his real father as I was dumped when five months pregnant.
Monday, October 8, 2007
My shawl is finally finished!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Been norty!
The end of my shawl is still eluding me too but I am DETERMIND to get it finished today!
Friday, October 5, 2007
My shawl - grrrrrr!!!!
The shawl wasn't meant to be as big as it seems to be getting either! I am making the Cabin Fever Side to Side shawl which is knitted in four quarters, using short rows - so the first quarter is important in the finished size. Well I just kept knitting and knitting, thinking it's not big enough yet and so now its gigantic!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Winter Warmers
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Got a call from the school ...
Ryan is the most easy going boy you could wish to meet - not like a typical teenager at all, and it takes a lot for him to get angry. In fact I think I've only ever seen him really fly three or four times but because he is so tall for his age, he usually gets the blame. In this case though, his head of year is going to do some investigating into both of their school histories.
What a morning!
After a lot of shouting/swearing/carrying on they both run up the hill, and I follow a couple of minutes later to go to the shop - luckily there was no sing of them so I can safelu assume they managed to catch the bus! I had already decided that I would bit the bullet and pay for a taxi to get us ALL into town (I'm going in later by bus).
They've got an inset day tomorrow (teacher training) and I think Ryan's girlfriend is coming round, so I don't espect there will be any problems getting up tomorrow! And thursday Ryan has to get the public bus into Crawley for college but he can catch that outside the house.
Monday, October 1, 2007
The end is in sight!
Amber has had two friends staying at different times of the weekend, one friday (see Ryan has a girlfriend) and then her best friend, Emily, stayed saturday and then again last night but it seems she should have gone home last night! They did tidy Amber's room last night - hoovering at 11.00 pm! In a way it makes my life easier in that Amber is not so much of a pain, but ....!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Ryan has a girlfriend!
They've been talking quite a lot on MSN since Amber's birthday in June, when they first met, but they haven't seen anything of each other except very briefly.
Now he's all loved up but HE'S STILL MY BABY!
Oh dear, I don't want him to grow up!
Getting Excited!
I've told AA that she can be my pack horse!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Proposed Knitting projects!!
I seem to be getting swamped by WIPs at the moment - had to abandon Garden Gate Scarf as the yarn I wanted for the actual 'gate' was out of stock (Kangaroo), this needs to be done by 3rd November for the Knit'n'Knatter display in East Grinstead Library window; have still got loads to do on my Joji jacket (bored to tears); and I am nearly halfway through my Side to Side shawl which I am now thinking I have made too big. I want to leave this for something a little more interesting but keep ploughing on!
I have started a Knitted Knitting Bag KAL on Angel Yarns (probably will make The Daily Knitter Knitting Needle Bag) and have just ordered the Chris Bylsma Bravo bag pattern which I think will take something of a backseat for a while.
I think I am going to have to start knitting with my feet!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Ryan has gone off to school quite happily today as he has a Leisure and Tourism trip to Legoland, he is suppoed to attend college on thursdays for his YA course in motor vehicle maintenance so I am not terribly happy that the school managed to arrange a trip today, particularly as he only started the course last week!
Clare (my sister) and Megan (neice) turned up yesterday afternoon after dropping dad at Gatwick (he's gone to Belgium to my cousin for a week as she and her husband are both 50 at the same time). As most of the Angel Yarns lot know, there is no love lost between my sister and me, so my heart sank! Megan (3) wanted to walk up and meet the kids off the bus and I made Clare come with us (not safe leaving her here as she 'pokes' about). When we got back, they came in and she wanted to know if I spend all day knitting, and why I make so many bags - they are hanging on the sitting room door for all to see - to which I told her I like making them and I do use them! She doesn't approve of knitting y'see!
Well we can't all be the same, can we!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
She says it's too cold to go to school but then she will only wear her poloshirt and not a sweatshirt, and this morning she had a sore toenail and only wanted to stay at home for that too!
Ryan, on the other hand, is not your average teenager - doesn't get too grumpy and is usually quite amenable especially to his old mum. He does flare up occasionally but then I think we all do from time to time.
I really miss my mum at the moment, in fact I've had a jolly good cry this morning. Amber just doesn't seem to understand that there's no-one like your mum!